Monster MMORPG Wiki

Ancient Gems, Health Items, Battle Items, Monster Boxes, Held Items, Main Items, Transformation Items, MT Moves, AI Moves


Current Health Items 2022[]

Also Included is the Route Order at which you can battle certain NPCs at to obtain the items.

Item Description Purchase Price(Gold) Route Order(Amount Available)
Mega EXP Max Maximizes the current level EXP of target monster (to let it reach another level with the next battle). Can be used only 100 and above Level Monster. 2,000,000
Unhappiness Potion Decreases the Happiness of target monster by 5. 100
Ultimate Potion Heals target monster to it's maximum HP and cures all status effects. 1,000
Perfect Potion Heals target monster to it's maximum HP. 500
Bleeding Bandage Cures the bleeding status effect on target monster. 100
Burning Pill Cures the burning status effect on target monster. 100
Frost Pill Cures the freeze status effect on target monster. 100
Paralyze Pill Cures the paralysis status effect on target monster. 100
Poison Pill Cures the poison status effect on target monster. 100
Sleeping Pill Cures the sleeping status effect on target monster. 100
MP Gain Increases the maximum MP of one move of targeted monster by 20%. 350
MP Max Increases the maximum MP of one move of target monster by 60%. 750
Attack Nutrition Increases the Attack training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
Defense Nutrition Increases the Defense training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
HP Nutrition Increases the HP training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
SpAttack Nutrition Increases the Special Attack training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
SpDefense Nutrition Increases the Special Defense training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
Speed Nutrition Increases the Speed training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
Happiness Potion Increases the Happiness of target monster by 5. 100
EXP Max Maximizes the current level EXP of target monster (to let it reach another level with the next battle). 50,000
Wide Arcanum Restores 10 move points (MP) of all moves of target monster. 350
Minor Arcanum Restores 10 move points (MP) of one move of target monster. 125
Mega Potion Restores 100 HP of target monster. 100
Tasty Potion Restores 150 HP of target monster. 150
Ultra Potion Restores 200 HP of target monster. 250
Minor Potion Restores 25 HP of target monster. 5
Regular Potion Restores 50 HP of target monster. 15
Healing Potion Restores 75 HP of target monster. 50
Half Revive Restores half the maximum HP of a fainted monster. 500
Perfect Revive Restores the maximum HP of a fainted monster. 750
Ultimate Revive Restores the maximum HP of all fainted monsters. 1,500
Status Pill Cures all status effects of target monster. 500
Ultimate Arcanum Restores all move points (MP) of all moves of target monster. 750
Great Arcanum Restores all move points (MP) of one move of target monster. 250
Move Relearner Resets the move history of target monster. The monster will be able to reselect all the previously learnt or skipped moves. 1,000
TP Elixir Reduces all the TPs of the selected Monster to 0. 25,000
SHappiness Potion Increases the Happiness of target monster by 100. 5,000
SUnhappiness Potion Decreases the Happiness of target monster by 100. 5,000
Attack Degrade Decreases the Attack training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
Defense Degrade Decreases the Defense training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
HP Degrade Decreases the HP training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
SpAttack Degrade Decreases the Special Attack training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
SpDefense Degrade Decreases the Special Defense training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
Speed Degrade Decreases the Speed training points (TP) of target monster by 10. 500
Confusion Pill Cures the confusion status effect on target monster. 100
